Obstetric Urgency/Emergency Guidelines
By Mark Brancel, M.D. 2025, 34th Annual Edition • © Annually 1992-2025 Mark Brancel, M.D. Go to Table of Contents or Index. This web-based guideline is updated on an ongoing basis, and therefore the latest editions are obtained by simply refreshing your browser connection or simply signing into this website afresh! Internet... Continue reading
Tagged amnioinfusion, amniotic fluid embolism, chorioamnionitis / endometritis, coagulopathy / transfusion, fetal heart monitoring, labor dystocia, maternal early warning systems, maternal resuscitation, mild preeclampsia, modified apt test, non-reassuring fetal heart tones, obstetric ACLS in brief, obstetric forceps and vacuum, obstetric malpresentations, obstetric tocolysis, placenta abruptio, postpartum hemorrhage, preeclampsia, preeclampsia diagnosis, preeclampsia labs, preterm labor, preterm labor index, prolapsed umbilical cord, retained placenta, rupture of membranes, severe preeclampsia/eclampsia, shoulder dystocia, uterine inversion, uterine rupture, vaginal bleeding. Bookmark the permalink.